Launching of the 3DR Solo Drone has captivated the imagination of the people to a great extent. Customers are in love with the attributes and designate it as the favorite QUADCOPTER. Manufactures around the world are creating drones that can be used in different industrial domains to boost the work efficiency. Numerous advanced technologies are used to manufacture top of the line devices in an impeccable manner. Generally all drones consist of propellers, video camera, monitor and flight safety systems along with plastic housing. The software controlling the drone is compatible with not only Android but IOS app too.
The 3D Solo is equipped with LINUX double Linux computers to provide stability to not only to the drone but also to the controller. It is vital to set the direction of the machine or it might malfunction or fly to unintended destination. Due to the presence of dual processors, it is possible to complete the commands and processes in a quick and effective manner. One of the best features of the drone is that it is devoid of any lag in the operations.
LED light
Another feature that can be quite useful is the Led light because it will help the machine to operate in the dark environment. Presence of light would go a long way in detecting the direction without any hassles. It is possible to accomplish the night time missions with ease.
In comparison to other machines, it is few notches above in term of capability.
Scintillating power
880KV power is enough to induce torque in an impeccable manner so that the drone is able to lift heavy articles for transferring them from one place to another. Due to the availability of the torque and speed, the machine can easily perform according to its optimum limit.
Battery life
As far as the battery life is concerned, it is last for a very long time after full charging. The 3D solo machine operates on the 5200MaH battery which is fully capable of supporting the control system. If the camera is not installed on the drone, you may get 25 minutes of flight while with camera it can reduce to 20 minutes. The time duration is still fare better than what other drones are providing in the market.
Another option that makes the machine unbeatable in its category is the Nylon Prop secured by the glass. The reliability makes sure that the device can work in challenging environment without any problem.
All the required items will be available to you as and when needed. GIMBAL system installed in the drone can be attached or detached according to the requirements and the specifications of the users.
One of the most powerful attributes of the drone is that it is stuffed with the smart battery indicator to optimize the power and improve the performance. In addition the presence of the app plays an important role in simulating the flight of the drone and assists the users to get training in an easy and hassle free manner. Cost of the machine is about 1.000$ which is far less than what the competitors are demanding.
If the camera is installed on the drone, it provides streaming pictures to the users from a distance of about a kilometer. Therefore, you can monitor the path of the machine and check the problem in case of any eventuality.
Mobile app is integrated into the 3D solo; hence you can control the device with the help of the smart phone. The days of carrying huge control system is long gone as the modern version of the drone is lightweight and easy to use. Drone also comprises of E-Brakes that could pause it in the mid air to focus on different objects. Return home capability in the app is essential so that the machine can return to the destination after completing the mission. While using the auto pilot system, you can define the path early on which the machine would trace in an effective manner
Recording with camera
The footage recorded by 3D solo is amazing and different from what other drones display. One of the most important features of the machine is cable Cam that helps it to fly on an auto pilot. The user can control the camera without bothering about the flight path of the drone. It is a wonderful technology because in other machines, you not only have to monitor the can but also control the flight of the drone.
Orbit feature is one of the most under rated attribute of 3D solo because it can circle around the object that is defined in the memory and take high resolution snaps without any problem. It provides 360 degree panoramic view that can be of great use to the people.
The maximum distance allowing the users to control the drone is about 800 meters, making it ideal to operate in the manufacturing units. Moreover, the company also provides firmware and apps that could be updated for free.
Replacement of the machine can only occur if it crashes due to the mechanical failure. In such cases, the 3D solo is replaced for free and the customers will be provided a brand new version. As a result, people do not have to lose financially.
Price front
It is a well known fact that the drone costs about 999$ however with GIMBAL it costs only $1.399. If you compare 3D solo with other drones in the market, you would find that it is an epitome of innovation rather than being a run of the mill product.
If the prospective buyer is not convinced about the capabilities, it is vital to conduct extensive research on the internet and find out what the drone can achieve and how it is capable of advancing the business. 3DR robotics has created benchmarks of quality in recent times with top of the line products released on a regular basis.
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