You might wonder why painting is necessary for the video cards. Artistic desires in humans have existed since time immemorial and continue to do so. Generally the high powered video cards are black in color surrounded by grey or white aluminum components. They appear wonderful however users like to experiment with the colors to induce Jazz and Razzmatazz.
- Painting GTX 980 Ti graphics card is not an easy task as it is designed in a complex manner with cutting edge technological tools. Majority of people do not know how to go about with the job because of the inherent complexities.
- Some are worried that fiddling with the card could lead to the nullification of the warranty of the products. They are misconceptions because numerous methods can be used to paint the video card in an effective manner.
- GTX card has easy access inputs and delivers 4K quality gaming experience on 1080p display resolution. One should take following steps to paint the video card so that it provides impeccable experience. They are self explanatory and you can do on your own without spending lot of money.
- Disassembling the card is one of the first steps that have to be taken to ensure that the painting process is effective. It also helps to clean the cooler that helps to regulate the temperature inside the computer.
- Due to heavy processing, the card gets heated up to a certain temperature and periodical maintenance is necessary to extend its longevity. In order to open the motherboard, you would require #1 Phillips and #0 Phillips screw drivers along with screws of size 1.5 and 2 hex.
- It is vital to remove the reference coolers from the printed circuit board. Screws that are located at the back and also at the DVR retention sockets should also be removed. Graphics card should be pulled away from the cooler and care needs to be taken to put the thermal pads safely at one place.
- They are essential to maintain the temperature of the processors and the card. In addition, two power connectors for the illuminated GForce logo and the fan should also be removed from the set up along with the video card.
- Once the process is completed, top and bottom screws should be taken out to remove the aluminum pieces providing support to the graphics card. In addition, the screws holding the black shroud near the fan and the flexi window. The dark nickel vapor chamber heat sink should be kept aside after removal. Do not forcefully remove the heat sink because excessive force can break the component.
Painting of the card
- Black component would be kept at one place while the aluminum ones are used for conducting the painting process. Experts do not recommend the painting of the fan because it might lead to its malfunctioning and make it unreliable.
- In addition, the component after painting could witness a loss of balance. While pulling out the card make sure that it is placed on an anti static surface or it might result in a shock to the users. Initially solvent has to be used to lubricate the components of the card although not to a great extent. Use a piece of cloth and dip into the solution.
- Clean the aluminum parts thoroughly of any dust or stains. Sanding is an important process that has to be taken into consideration to remove the anodized material on the body of the card. Experts opine that they might interfere with the paintings and would impact results.
- Wet Sand paper with a grit figure of 600 should be used to accomplish the task and higher grit product is used to make the surface well prepared to receive the paint. Cleaning the surface is an important aspect of painting as the old textures have to be removed with exquisite finesse.
- It is vital to apply the white or the grey primer paint on the aluminum parts. Use the spray to complete the job because it is easy and effective for the users. Once the task is completed, leave the components for few hours so that the primer dries up.
- Wet sand paper with 600 grits is used to remove the dusting imperfections on the components. While selecting the paint, make sure that it gels well with the metal and can sustain higher temperatures.
- Car engine paint is said to be quite amazing because it can easily handle temps in the vicinity of 500F. It is important to know that the GPU operates at the temperature of 190F.After the moisture is eliminated from the parts, it is time to apply the favorite base coat.
- Selection of the color depends on the individual preferences however Lamborghini orange can dazzle the eyes and captivates the imagination of the people. Multiple layers of coats are applied on the aluminum surface to make it more versatile.
- After the process is completed, leave the coats for 24 hours and then rub it discretely to make the appearance glossy and amazing. If the task is completed effectively, the finished product instantly attracts the attention of the people.
- Orange peeled textured part is then assembled along with the fan and the card. They combine together to deliver contrasting appearance, changing the external body color. After assembling the components, you would be introduced to a completely new GTX 980Ti graphics card.
Biggest advantage
One of the most important aspects of the project is the card can be painted without the need of the removing the warranty stickers. Therefore, the product can still be repaired albeit, the appearance would be more contemporary and stylish.
People, who want to use plasti dip instead of car paint, can peel of the color by disassembling the components. Later on after the process of assembling they can be sent for repair.
Majority of users might scoff at the idea of painting however it is a personal choice. Follow the instructions and you would get a brand new looking card as far as appearance is concerned.
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